Se non ti piacciono i mostri che ci fai qui?

lunedì 16 marzo 2009

giovedì 5 febbraio 2009

Pink-heartbeat on notes

Pink heartbeat on notes.
Huging her!

sabato 29 novembre 2008

My monsters' arm.

This is my right arm.
A lot of people asks me if it's simply a drawn done with a pen;
I've drawn the tattoo since one year, they are my first drawns and i wanted to fit them always! Finally the last summer a friend tattooer offers me to do it!
This is the result!
So.. It's true!

mercoledì 26 novembre 2008

Yellow hunchbacked

The yellow hunchbacked,
he will climb up to your window to say you "Hello!"

blushie monster

The blue-plushie with yellow botton eyes.